Andressa Nutritionist and Fitness coach

Andressa Nutritionist and Fitness coach


Your Happiness is a reflexion of you Health!


About me

Hi Everyone!!
Thank you so much for stopping by...It’s so exciting to have you here!
My name is Andressa and I am a Nutritionist with specialisations in Weight Loss, Muscle building, Gut Health and sports and exercise nutrition.
It is my mission to help people realise their full potential and live a life full of energy and vitality.
It is so hard in this day and age to make the right food choices with the constant mixed messages coming to us through the internet and tv that are driven by advertising rather than good intentions.
This is a page that will cut through the noise and I will share with you the truth about how to get into the best shape of your life with more energy than ever with no unrealistic, confusing or super calorie-restricted diets.
Follow me on this journey to create an outstanding quality of life!



AV Nutrition and Fitness

157/120-140 Pyrmont street

+61 451 970 476

Cooking method:
Combine beef, carrot, zucchini, apple, breadcrumbs, parsley, herbs and egg together until well mixed.
Form into 6 patties.
Grill or barbecue, using moderate heat, for about 5 to 6 minutes on each side.
While burgers are cooking, heat oil and cook onion, stirring several times.
Split and toast buns. Spread top half of each bun with mustard.
Assemble burgers by placing a lettuce leaf on one half of each hamburger bun, adding a burger patty, onions, sliced tomatoes and beetroot.
Top with remaining half of bun. Serve.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Portions: 6

60g de Frango desfiado, 60g de pure de batata doce, misturar os ingredientes, temperar com limāo e salsinha moldar. Em um pote misture 4 colheres de farinha amêndoas com uma de sobremesa de farinha de linhaça. Passe o Bolinho na mistura e leve para assar por 15 minutos no forno. Você pode variar entre outras combinações como por exemplo: Atum+ mandioca, carne-moída+inhame, brócolis com queijo fresco e batata doce.