Nutritional Therapist · Telehealth

"Wellness & Nutrigenomic"

About me

Dietme is a Wellness Care & Consulting, located in Jakarta Indonesia. Developed and delivered in 2019, our services focus on Behavioral Therapy and Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes which play an important role in our health and can be a key component within a client’s care plan. Through our online program, online education event, and online consultation, we provide transformative healthy lifestyle experiences for clients and the community.

Our expert years of experience in Nutritional Medicine, Clinical Nutrition, Body Composition Analysis, Food Allergy Immunology Test, and Nutrigenomics, made us a reliable wellness care for patients' and clients' Nutritional education.


South Jakarta

Dietme Nutrigenomic Test

Jakarta Nutrition Care

+62 0812 1907 2789

Central Jakarta

Dietme Body Composition Analysis Test

Jakarta Nutrition Care

+62 0812 1907 2789


Dietme Online Consultation

Jakarta Nutrition Care

+62 0812 1907 2789

WHAT IS NUTRIGENOMIC? Nutrigenomics is a new scientific discipline that uses modern genomics technology to study the relationship between genes, nutrition and health. It has long been apparent that...

TIME TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF. Tanita monitors bring you fast, accurate body composition results using the latest advanced bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) technology first developed ...